Design System Cover

Project Introduction

This was the largest project I have ever been responsible for leading and executing; but also the most rewarding.

As the system would be actively used while I am building it; I needed to work incrementally and mitigate risk throughout. Although I encountered more than a few bumps in the road along the way, each problem was a unique challenge that pushed me to grow both professionally and personally.

My Role

It was my responsibility to own the Medical Solutions 3.0 Design System as its own product and partner with development to bring our Component Library to life.


Figma, Tokens Studio Plugin and Storybook.

Establishing Structure

One of the first problems I faced was components in the existing system were difficult to find.

As a solution, I created the structure for our Design System using Atomic Design principles by Brad Frost as a guide. It is divided up into five sections: atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, and pages. Each “level” builds upon the last - starting with the atoms, and eventually leading to page templates. This structure inherently creates an extremely flexible Design System that is easy to use.

Atomic Structure Graphic

Building a solid foundation

To create a solid foundation for our Design System, I focused on implementing the “atoms” first. This included typography, color, spacing, grid, radius, breakpoints, elevation and logos. This foundation made it easier for designers to create a consistent content hierarchy and user experience across our products.

Transitioning to Tokens and Variables

Making the transition from styles to utilizing tokens and variables within our design system was a big lift but an even bigger success; reducing the number of variants needed, and the overall system size, by 80%.

Previously, five component sets would be needed with one set for each product. But by utilizing tokens and variables, it was possible to support our five products using a single component set.

Token Structure  Graphic

Need for Governance

Establishing a clear governance process that helps users understand what to do when and is essential for a Design System that stands the test of time. However, this process did not yet exist.

Working with UX leads I created and implemented our Design System Governance Process. This process defined how a component should be added to, updated, or removed from our Design System. To aid users with understanding the process, I created a flow diagram and added it to our system for future reference.

Governance Process Graphic

Creating Component Documentation

To help designers when deciding which component to use and when, clear documentation was needed. Unfortunately, due to MS 3.0 being a new library, there was no existing documentation.

Creating good component documentation is essential to any Design System or Component Library. It is extremely helpful for recording design decisions, development specs, micro-interactions, anatomy, and usage standards.

Having documentation to reference was an essential tool to create consistency in our products.

Recording Changes

As time goes on, it becomes more challenging to remember what has changed in a Design System or component. Wanting to avoid this, I documented what changed in every single library update published; using a change log. Over time this evolved to include a detailed change log on each component page; documenting what changed after and what the component looked like before.

Change Log  Graphic


Due to the complexity, enormity, and ever-changing nature of this project; I found myself tested in ways I have never been. The journey was a challenge but I learned a ton of new things along the way and with the following results:

  • By utilizing tokens and variables, I increased system efficiency by over 80%
  • MS 3.0 is actively used by designers in their work, leading to an increase in design and development velocity.
  • Storybook 3.0 Library mirrors MS 3.0 Figma Library, facilitating consistency across our products.
  • Components continue to be implemented in production, significantly decreasing the time needed to develop new features.